Running a high-performance web-server on AWS Centos machine

Running a high-performance web-server on AWS Centos machine

January 7, 2021 / Nirav Shah

Lighttpd is an open-source web server with a little memory imprint when compared with other web servers, viable administration of the CPU-load, and a serious list of capabilities (FastCGI, SCGI, Auth, Output-Compression, URL-Rewriting and some more) and intended for elite conditions.


Running a high-performance web-server on AWS Centos machine

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In this blog post, we will detail the means in introducing Lighttpd web-worker on CentOS 8.

Steps Installing Lighttpd Web Server on CentOS 8


sudo yum update

Step 1: Install Lighttpd

sudo yum install lighttpd



Step 2: After successfully installing Lighttpd, we are going to start the service

sudo systemctl start lighttpd
sudo systemctl enable lighttpd

Step 3: To check the status of the Lighttpd service

sudo systemctl status lighttpd


Step 4: You can check the version by

lighttpd -v

And it is done. Take your public IP and hit it and you will get the below page.

Related: How to Install PHP GD Library on CentOS using WHM

Lighttpd web server on AWS Centos machine page

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