Magento 2 “No Paypal Payment Methods” in Admin New Order

Magento 2 “No Paypal Payment Methods” in Admin New Order

March 17, 2020 / Nirav Shah

In a Magento 2 store, We have Website Payments Pro Hosted Solution and PayPal Express Checkout enabled. On the frontend, that works perfectly. But, when I am trying to create a new order from the Magento 2 admin panel, the payment methods are not displayed.

We tested with the enabled Offline payment method (Cash on Delivery, Check / Money Order ) and this is displayed correctly. It’s an issue with third party payment methods like “Website Payments Pro Hosted” or “Paypal Express Checkout”. Paypal Express Checkout redirects to Paypal site that’s why it’s not working for admin panel. If you need to enable Paypal payment method while creating orders using admin panel we have hacking code.

For more details, magento customization and development you can contact us.

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