Why To Use Amazon Web Server Cloud For Magento Hosting

Why To Use Amazon Web Server Cloud For Magento Hosting

March 23, 2023 / Nirav Shah

10 Significant Reasons To Choose AWS For Magento Hosting


When selecting the best web server for Magento, AWS (Amazon Web Services) is the premier choice. AWS provides an array of features that ensure a secure, dependable, and scalable hosting experience for Magento. AWS offers one-click deployment, automatic scaling, quick provisioning, high accessibility, and automated backups.


Why To Use Amazon Web Server Cloud For Magento Hosting

10 Significant Reasons To Choose AWS For Magento Hosting

Why Use Magento on AWS Cloud For Your eCommerce Business

10 Reasons To Host Magento on AWS Cloud

#1) Enhanced Security Measures

#2) Higher Performance Levels

#3) Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

#4) Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)

#5) Cost Savings

#6) Better Scalability

#7) Automated Server Provisioning

#8) Disaster Recovery

#9) Global Reach

#10) Developer Productivity & Innovation

Why do Companies Choose AWS?

Key Takeaways

AWS On Magento: Frequently Asked Questions

Q1) Can Magento be hosted in AWS?

Q2) What main advantages do you get from using the AWS cloud?

Q3) Why is AWS the best option?

Q4) Why is AWS better than other cloud providers?

Moreover, when you combine AWS with Magento, an open-source eCommerce platform, the result is a powerful combination that enables you to manage customer information and complex product catalogues easily.


Why Use Magento on AWS Cloud For Your eCommerce Business


Using Magento on AWS Cloud is a great way to ensure your eCommerce business runs as smoothly as possible. With the power and versatility of the cloud, you can configure your website quickly and easily without any hardware limitations. This provides a platform to expand upon, increasing flexibility while reducing costs significantly.

AWS for Magento simplifies the hosting and maintenance of Magento websites. AWS Cloud gives users access to some of the most advanced technology available in this field, including built-in Content Delivery Network (CDN) support for secure data transfer across platforms. 

Users are given advantages such as high-level security with AWS Firewall Manager and strong password protection provided by Amazon Cognito Identity Services Suite with encryption options for extra protection against hackers.


10 Reasons To Host Magento on AWS Cloud


Hosting Magento on Amazon Web Services (AWS) is an excellent choice for any eCommerce store. AWS provides a reliable, secure platform that can be scaled up and down to meet the changing needs of your business. 

With AWS, you can host Magento with minimal effort and cost, allowing you to focus more on developing your store’s features and user experience instead of worrying about server uptime and downtime. 

Here are some of the key reasons why to host Magento on AWS.

#1) Enhanced Security Measures

Hosting on AWS helps strengthen your security by offering access to a sophisticated set of tools designed to meet the highest security and compliance standards. 

AWS provides the infrastructure and technology needed to protect business data from malicious attacks, such as DDOS protection, encryption, firewalls, and secure networking. 

#2) Higher Performance Levels

By hosting Magento on AWS, you benefit from its highly reliable and scalable Cloud services, which can automatically scale up or down in response to changes in demand or traffic spikes. 

This scenario means that customers benefit from faster loading times with no downtime or disruption when there is an increase in website traffic. 

#3) Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

EC2 allows you to deploy virtual servers with predefined configurations quickly, so you do not have to worry about manually setting up hardware for each server instance. This scenario saves valuable time and resources! 

Related: Install Magento in AWS Step By Step: The Ultimate Setup Guide

#4) Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)

RDS offers automated backups and replication across availability zones for higher accessibility deployments and automatic scaling based on demand. This scenario makes it ideal for powering websites built using the Magento eCommerce platform. 

#5) Cost Savings

Companies can save money by only paying for what they use, which helps them avoid overspending on unnecessary resources due to overprovisioning or underutilization of server capacity. This scenario gives them more flexibility than other hosting options available today!  

#6) Better Scalability

With just a few clicks of a button, sites hosted on AWS can be scaled up or down according to their current needs. So, businesses do not need additional hardware if they experience sudden spikes in website usage. 

#7) Automated Server Provisioning

Utilizing auto-scaling groups combined with preconfigured AMIs (Amazon Machine Images) ensures quick provisioning of new servers whenever additional capacity is needed. This scenario helps keep costs low while maintaining performance levels during peak hours!  

#8) Disaster Recovery

With multiple availability zones located worldwide, companies running mission-critical websites powered by Magento have peace of mind knowing their site will stay available even if there is an unexpected event at one location.  

It also prevents single points of failure within your system, ensuring that applications always remain operational, regardless of any unpredictable events.   

#9) Global Reach

Leveraging Amazon Route53 service lets you efficiently serve content globally without having any specific geographic concerns, so customers from around the world will get access to the same quality of user experience!      

#10) Developer Productivity & Innovation

With cloud computing, developers can quickly develop new features & capabilities and test & launch products faster than traditional methods without needing to establish complex IT architecture environments beforehand!


Why do Companies Choose AWS?


Magento Cloud AWS allows company businesses to quickly develop, deploy, and manage their online store with fewer resources, making it an excellent choice for small and large organizations.

Companies choose AWS because of the scalability and consistency it offers. AWS provides businesses with on-demand access to relational databases, storage, compute power, content delivery networks and other valuable services. 

Companies can scale as per their usage without worrying about investing too much in infrastructure resources upfront. Additionally, AWS is highly secure, allowing users to customize the level of security that best suits their needs. 

All data stored on AWS servers are encrypted at rest or in transit for added security protection. It also regularly undergoes external penetration testing by third parties to ensure its systems stay secure and compliant with industry regulations. 

Key Takeaways

With the Magento store on AWS, businesses can take advantage of the flexibility and performance that Amazon’s cloud computing services offer.

So, choosing AWS for your Magento store is a wise move, and it may even be the best choice for powering an eCommerce strategy. With straightforward approaches, AWS provides an ease for businesses to manage their online stores that cannot be found on other platforms, including steadfastness, suppleness, and much more to offer. 

Even as customer needs evolve over time, your business can keep up seamlessly with AWS and Magento working in tandem. Hence, if you are looking for a comprehensive cloud solution that allows you to fully leverage your eCommerce platform without sacrificing quality and speed, Amazon Web Services (AWS) with the Magento platform is worth considering!

AWS On Magento: Frequently Asked Questions


Q1) Can Magento be hosted in AWS?

Yes, Magento can be hosted in AWS. The Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud platform is a reliable and cost-effective hosting solution for eCommerce websites built on the Magento platform. It provides pre configured servers with ready-made software stacks that make deploying an application to the cloud easy and fast.


Q2) What main advantages do you get from using the AWS cloud?

AWS offers unparalleled scalability. The users only pay for what they use, allowing them to scale up or down their usage as needed. AWS also provides incredible cost-effectiveness; its pricing model is based on consumption rather than predefined plans. It vastly reduces time-to-market as it allows for developers with pre-built services that can be quickly set up and deployed to production so applications can perform faster.


Q3) Why is AWS the best option?

AWS is the leading cloud computing platform in the world and the best choice for businesses looking to adopt a cloud-based infrastructure. AWS offers a wide range of services – from storage and computing to networking, analytics and more, that companies can leverage to increase efficiency, reduce costs, scale quickly and improve customer experience.


Q4) Why is AWS better than other cloud providers?

When comparing AWS with other cloud providers it offers better scalability, enhanced enterprise security protocols, endpoint processing for data centers & APIs, myriad integrations, and elastic load balancing features. It provides high availability & networking options for integrated customization, resource control and cost-effective infrastructure solutions.


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