Image Creation with EC2 Image Builder

Image Creation with EC2 Image Builder

March 23, 2021 / Nirav Shah

In the last blog, we learn about EC2 Image Builder. Now let’s understand it’s practical demonstration.

Step 1: Create an IAM Role for this using below two policies.

  1. AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore
  2. EC2InstanceProfileForImageBuilder

Image Creation with EC2 Image Builder
Image Creation with EC2 Image Builder
Image Creation with EC2 Image Builder

Step 2: Now open the EC2 Image Builder AWS console and in the Define Recipe page, create an image recipe, which includes your source image and components.

Image Creation with EC2 Image Builder

Step 3: Provide details as per the snap-in.

Image Creation with EC2 Image Builder

Provide the following specifications under Pipeline details

Image Creation with EC2 Image Builder
Image Creation with EC2 Image Builder
Image Creation with EC2 Image Builder
Image Creation with EC2 Image Builder

Step 4: Infrastructure configuration

Image Creation with EC2 Image Builder
Image Creation with EC2 Image Builder

Step 5: Distribution settings

Image Creation with EC2 Image Builder

On the Review and create page, you can review all of your settings before you create your image pipeline. Review your Recipe details, your Pipeline configuration details, and your Additional settings.

Step 6: Review and create your pipeline

Image Creation with EC2 Image Builder

Step 7: Run your pipeline manually. When your image pipeline creation succeeds, you are taken to the Image pipelines page. From here, you can manage, delete, disable, view details about, and run your image pipeline.

Image Creation with EC2 Image Builder

Step 8: Pipeline initiated successfully. Now check it on EC2 Dashboard.

Image Creation with EC2 Image Builder

Step 9: Verify the Status.

Image Creation with EC2 Image Builder

Step 10: Verify the Status.

Image Creation with EC2 Image Builder

Step 11: Verify the EC2 Dashboard

Image Creation with EC2 Image Builder

Step 12: Verify the AMI console, the AMI is there and the EC2 instance is deleted.

Image Creation with EC2 Image Builder

EC2 Image Builder tracks and displays the progress for each step in the image building process.

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