How to launch and configure AWS spot instance

How to launch and configure AWS spot instance

June 23, 2020 / Nirav Shah

Benefits Of AWS Spot instance

  • Low, predictable prices
  • Massive-scale
  • Easy to use

To launch spot instance steps are as follow

Step 1

  • Login to your AWS console go to Services and select EC2
  • Click on Spot Instance

launch and configure AWS spot instance

Step 2

  • Click on the Request Spot instance

launch and configure AWS spot instance

Step 3

  • Select one of the below mentioned what is the service you are going to user Spot instance for

launch and configure AWS spot instance

Step 4

  • Configure your instance.
  • If you have a Launch Template you can select from there or just can use the AWS Prebuilt AMIs.
  • Select the spec and instance type.
  • Select the VPC in which you want to launch the Spot Instance.
  • Select the availability zone and key-pair to launch the instance.

launch and configure AWS spot instance

Step 5

  • Tell us how much capacity you need.
  • Set your total target capacity (number of instances or vCPUs) to launch. If you specified a launch template, you can allocate part of the target capacity as On-Demand. The number of On-Demand Instances always persists, while Spot Instances can be scaled.

launch and configure AWS spot instance

Step 6

  • Fleet request settings.
  • Amazon EC2 requests your target capacity from these instance types. The more instance types that you specify, the better your chances of having your target capacity fulfilled.

launch and configure AWS spot instance

Step 7

  • Click on Launch

launch and configure AWS spot instance

Step 8

  • Click on OK

launch and configure AWS spot instance

Step 9

  • You will be redirected to a spot instance page and wait for the status to change.
  • Note: Once the Spot instance request is created it will be only fulfilled if there is capacity available in your selected availability zone and instance type and your Spot instance request price is greater than the current Spot price.

launch and configure AWS spot instance

Also Read: How to launch spot instance using AWS CLI

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