AWS Transcribe – speech recognition service

AWS Transcribe – speech recognition service

June 6, 2020 / Nirav Shah

Convert Speech to Text using AWS ML Technology

AWS Transcribe an automatic speech recognition (ASR) service that makes it easy for developers to add speech-to-text capability to applications. So in this blog, we will explain to you about the service and how we can set up on the AWS console.

Before we start let me tell you something secret that is AWS transcribe is free for new free tier account so we recommend you please create the AWS account but you have to keep in mind that for free tier account AWS provide only 60-minute speech free after 60 minutes they start taking charges

Here I give some pricing example this services, which is taken by AWS official website.

AWS Transcribe – speech recognition service

Steps To Setup Speech Recognition AWS transcribe

So now let’s get started implement on console but before first, please sanitize your hand.

Step 1. Sign in to your AWS Root account.

Step 2. go to s3 and create an S3 bucket, Here I created an AWS.mp4 bucket.

Note bucket cannot be in pubic access,

AWS Transcribe – speech recognition service

Step 3. Add some mp4 or any extension video foment on this bucket

You can see above the image.
Now once it’s successfully uploaded please select the copy path of the bucket.

AWS Transcribe – speech recognition service

Click on Copy Path

AWS Transcribe – speech recognition service

Step 4. Now go to AWS transcribe console
Click on create transcribe job

AWS Transcribe – speech recognition service

Step 5, create a name, and as per your requirement select your language, and also add the s3 path.

AWS Transcribe – speech recognition service

And click on create job
It will take some time around 5min to 10min, so get some coffee and come back,

Ahhh… coffee was so good…. So yeah you will see like this.

AWS Transcribe – speech recognition service

Tadaaaa… your first transcribe was successfully created,

Feeling proud lol… 🙂

Now click on AWS.MP4, ( wait … your file name might be different)

AWS Transcribe – speech recognition service

AWS Transcribe – speech recognition service

So that finally you can see that your text is written over here,
Using this service you can also save your text file in JSON format and also you can save it on an s3 bucket.
So in this blog, we explained you simply how to create AWS transcribe there so many features if you want to know more please visit below link .

Also Read: 17 New AWS Services| AWS Latest Services


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