How to use AWS Well-Architected Tool?

How to use AWS Well-Architected Tool?

April 24, 2020 / Nirav Shah

AWS Well-Architected Tool is a service in the AWS cloud that provides a consistent and calibrated process for measuring your AWS architecture against AWS best practices that are updated from time-to-time. With help of this tool you can review and measure your architecture’s resiliency. And the best news is that It’s a free service offered by AWS. The AWS Well-Architected Tool helps you to define your workload, answer questions designed to review the workload against the best practices specified by the basic five pillars of the AWS ecosystem.

Before we start, you must have a brief idea about the five pillars of the AWS ecosystem and a well architected framework.

  1. Operational Excellence: Running and managing systems to deliver business value.
  2. Security: Protecting information and systems
  3. Reliability: Preventing and quickly recovering from failures
  4. Efficiency: Using IT and compute resources efficiently
  5. Cost Optimization: Avoiding un-needed costs

In 2017, AWS extended the framework’s general advice to more application specific domains with the concept of a “lens”. A lens adds additional questions for specific technology areas, which focus on what is different from the generic advice.

Today, there are three technology domain lenses.

How does AWS’s well-architected tool works?

Now let see how to implement on AWS console

Open the AWS Well-Architected Tool Console and click define workload to get started,

Then click Define workload to move ahead,

Please fill up the data as per your requirement

Select the lenses and click the define workload.

Click on Start reviewing

We can go through the pillars and questions in order, save and exit, and so forth. After we complete the review, we can consult the improvement plan of our workload.

So if you want to check in details please scroll down to and click on AWS Well-Architected Framework.

After clicking on “AWS Well-Architected Framework” we will get detail information about the architecture.

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