AWS Worklink – Secure and Easy Mobile Intranet Access

AWS Worklink – Secure and Easy Mobile Intranet Access

May 29, 2020 / Nirav Shah

WorkLink is used to provide secure, mobile access to your internal websites and apps. The tool is a fully managed service that employees securely access internal websites on their mobile devices.

With WorkLink, when the employee wants to access a particular file, that file is opened on a secure browser on the AWS cloud. The AWS cloud then sends the web content onto the employee’s personal device. The web browser in the cloud recreates the exact structure of the content as a fully interactive graphical representation. The employee can then access this content through the web browser on their device.

AWS Worklink

If you want to build up I will put the link below so that it can be easy for you

Worklink is continuous monitoring and if something goes wrong that saw in Matrix from
Here,Amazon WorkLink usage metrics provide the following information,

  • BrowsingSessionId: An unique identifier representing a user’s browsing session
  • UserId: Registered user email.
  • DeviceId: Unique identifier representing the device registered with Amazon WorkLink.
  • DomainName: domain name provided by you during set up.
  • ErrorMessage: Message describing error, if any, encountered during the browsing session.
  • HTTPStatusCode: Status code of the HTTP request directed via Amazon WorkLink.
  • URI: Path that follows the domain name when the request was sent by the user browser.

Some point you have to noted before implementing on AWS console,

The cost for WorkLink is a pay-as-you-go service with no minimum fees, upfront commitments, or long-term contracts. ,You pay $5 per active user per month.

Amazon WorkLink is generally available in the following AWS regions: US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), and Europe (Ireland).

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