Why you need Spa and Salon management software?

Why you need Spa and Salon management software?

August 13, 2018 / Nirav Shah

You started a spa and salon; it went well until managing it is getting tiresome for you. In this line of business you need to be hyperactive as you are directly serving the clients. Serving client directly means remembering details of all the clients, managing their visit times, keep a track of all products that they like and so on. These are some of the reasons that you would like to have your own personal custom spa and salon management software so that you can focus more on serving your clients while the software takes care of problems.

You would also like to have a spa and salon management software if below lines crept into your mind:

  • You are unable to manage the services for both spa and salon including the prices of all the services.
  • You are finding it difficult to manage all the services for both spa and salon. The prices of various services are not manageable as they are varying from one service to another.
  • You are unable to manage various packages like: Bride Package, Groom Package and also some special combo packages.
  • The package names and their details are quite scattered and your staff members have a tough time finding the package details for a specific customer.
  • You are unable to track the inventory of all the products at the end of the month.
  • The entries of staff members and customers are managed manually in various registers and the amount of data was increasing with the client so he was unable to manage the data properly.
  • You are finding it difficult to manage the appointment bookings for various customers.
  • You are unable to manage various membership plans and its details.
  • You are unable to manage the weekly and monthly sales of all the products.
  • You are unable to manage the availability of various staff members.

The Solution to Spa and Salon management problems

In this software package you will find what you need most at the moment. Since the software is custom developed, thus it can be customized very easily to your specific needs in a very short span of time. If you contact us right away, you will get following in tools to streamline the whole process:

  • Appointment bookings of various customers
  • Invoices management
  • Customer management
  • Membership management
  • Membership plan management
  • Types of packages
  • Staff Member details
  • Salaries of various staff members
  • Leave details of various staff members
  • Details of various packages
  • Types of various offers
  • Details of various offers
  • Daily, Weekly and Monthly sales reports of all the products of Spa/ Salon
  • Daily attendance report of all the staff members
  • Weekly and Monthly reports of stocks of all the products available in Spa/ Salon

Since you have read this longer, you must be searching for more details about what you can do in the Spa and Salon management software. As a manager/ owner you will be able to perform following tasks.

  • Through the Dashboard the manager can easily see the appointments of various customers on any single day.
  • The manager can also check the attendance of various staff members for any single day.
  • If any staff member is unavailable for a specific day the manager can easily reassign any other staff member in the place of the unavailable staff member.
  • The manager can easily manage the appointment booking for the current day and can also view the appointment history of all the customers.
  • The manager can easily edit the appointment date of any customer.
  • The manager can also view the invoices of various customers.
  • The manager can easily find out the active clients from the list provided in the back end.
  • The manager can manage various membership plans and the membership plans for a specific amount of time (For Ex: Happy hours 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.)
  • The manager can manage the various packages and its subscribed users.
  • The manager can manage the various offers and also the customers who are subscribed to specific offers.
  • The manager can manage the inventories of all the products from the back end.
  • The manager can also manage various daily, weekly and monthly reports of customers and inventories.
  • The manager can also manage various service categories and its services.
  • The manager can also manage the customer details and various reports.
  • The manager can also manage the staff details, their leaves, their salaries and their attendances easily from the back end.
  • The manager can also edit the service tax from the back end and make necessary changes in the prices of various products.

You can contact us for more info on how you can get this custom spa and salon management software implemented for your business. We are more than happy to provide you a free consultation.

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