Add Maps and Location to Your Applications – Amazon Location

Add Maps and Location to Your Applications – Amazon Location

March 4, 2021 / Nirav Shah

Amazon Location Service is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to add location data, such as maps, points of interest, and geocoding to applications, without sacrificing data security, user privacy, data quality, or cost.

You keep the management of your location information with Amazon Location, thus you’ll be able to mix proprietary information with information from the service.

Add Maps and Location to Your Applications - Amazon Location

Amazon Location is available in the US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), Europe (Ireland), and Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Regions

How to set up on the AWS console:

Add Maps and Location to Your Applications - Amazon Location

Then click on “try it” button

Add Maps and Location to Your Applications - Amazon Location

Choose whatever you want and click on create a map.

Add Maps and Location to Your Applications - Amazon Location

After that, you will get options including the Amplify JavaScript SDK, the Amplify Android SDK, the Amplify iOS SDK, Tangram, and Mapbox GL.

Amazon Location Service is in preview right now. During the preview period, you will not incur Amazon Location Service charges for the use of the service.

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